Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Finally Back

Well it has been quite a while since I have ventured into writing on this blog. I have discovered that when I get really busy I don't have time to take photos and so put off writing until I can get a picture and then before I notice a month has gone by. Well today is cold and snowy and a perfect day for blogging so let me catch you up on my life!

Life has continued to remain busy here at the Mount. In Novemeber there were many activities. I had several groups who visited the monastery for tours of our chapels and for stories of Benedict and Scholastica and information about the lives of the Sisters.

Another very exciting event was my wonderful sister (sibling) Marion, knows how much I love musical theatre and so blessed me by taking me to see the Lion King while it was here in Kansas City. Those who know me, know how long I have wanted to see this one and it was amazing!!!! Well worth the wait. Marion is the greatest!!

The week following the play, life around here got crazy before our Night of Dreams dinner and auction. The night itself was a wonderful success and a good time was had by all.

Another fun adventure we had was an Advent Songfest. Each year as Advent begins, the sisters gather together for a celebration of this sacred season. The evening begins with the community singing all the songs that we will be singing during the Advent season. It is a great chance to sing all the songs we know and love (These songs are not to be confused with Christmas Carols which we only sing for Christmas) After the sing-a-long, the sisters all partake in a pie sharing. Usually there are about 20 different types of pies that various sisters baked. It is a wonderful evening.

There were two big vocation events last month. First I went to Archbishop O'Hara High School and spent the day visiting with some junior girls. It was a great day. Second, I hosted a monastic Come and See. We had three wonderful women who came and spent the weekend with us here at the Mount. It was great getting to know them and giving them an opportunity to get to know us. So November was a full month.

December kicked off with our annual Partners in Prayer Cookie Baking. It was a great night with 100 plates of cookies made for the Meals on Wheels program here in Atchison and several other plates made for friends of the community. Here are a few photos from the event!

Last week was another exciting week. I went into Kansas City and directed a Busy Person Retreat at Keeler Women's Center. For those of you who are unfamiliar with a busy person retreat, each participant meets individually with a director for 1/2 hour each day. They are then given scripture passages, readings and/or reflection questions to spend a 1/2 hour on their own in personal prayer. Then the following day, they meet with the director and discuss the fruits of their reflection and the process repeats itself for a full week. This was my first opportunity to direct such a retreat and it was a true blessing!

So now I have caught up on the many exciting adventures of the past month and the excitement of Christmas is just around the corner. Maybe blogging will make for a great New Year resolution! Have a blessed end of Advent and Merry Christmas!