Lately I have been greatly amused (and impressed) by some of the fun stories of faith I have heard from my family and friends about their children. So I thought I would take this opportunity to share a few of them with you here. The first story takes place before Christmas. My youngest niece always has a unique outlook on the world. It seems that the typical placement of Nativity figures just doesn't quite fit her sensibilities. In her mind, it is crazy that the figures are so far apart. We all know how important it is to be close to those we love and how we all snuggle in close! (She even gave Mary a scarf because it was cold outside!) Here are the two versions.

But her ideas don't end with the Nativity. She also finds that it is important to re-adjust the angels on the table to fit the loving image she has of angels. First we see the angels arranged nicely for decoration. Next we see her secret adjustment so that they look like they are chatting away, sharing stories and having a grand ole time!
The second story involves the youngest daughter of one of my friends. The other morning as she was getting ready for school, Emma asked her mom, "Mom, what will they call me when I become a Saint?" "Well, St. Emma of course." "Mom, there is already a St. Emma." "That's okay honey, there can always be more than one." "Okay, we should practice calling me that." Oh the confidence of childhood!

Finally, I want to end with another story about one of my nieces. When she goes to Church, she usually sits up front so that she can see what is going on. She knows to whisper if she needs to say something. However, as we all know, when a young child is suddenly “struck” by something he or she has just heard, or a revelation pops into their head, they have no control over the volume used to express their immediate thoughts. Such was the case when the homily was provided through a slideshow/video narrated by the Archbishop. The church went dark, a screen popped down from the ceiling, and a man’s voice began. Kayli suddenly sat up straight, began looking around, eyes darting back and forth like they do when you’re thinking hard, trying to figure out a complex problem. Then, she glanced once, then twice, towards the ceiling, turned toward her mom, and cupping her hand around the side of her mouth, as if she were trying to be discreet, loudly inquired “Uh, Mom, is that man’s voice talking to us from heaven???” “Is it God talking from heaven?” Quietly her mom assured her that it was not voices from heaven they were hearing, but she continues to look above the screen as if she's found evidence to the contrary. So, now the slideshow is over and the priest reiterates the key points he wants the congregation to think about, such as how we all need to just “light that fire in our hearts!” “What?” Kayli perks up again. “What, Mom??? Did he say Light our Hearts on FIRE???” Her mom nods and tries “shushing” her as she shakes her head in disbelief, ignoring her moms attempts to lower her volume, as she bellows “WOW, that’s Gotta hurt!” The lady next to them had a hard time stifling a laugh.

May your heart be lit on fire, may your week be filled with the faith of childhood and may you too believe that one day you will be a Saint!
Suzanne, thank you so much for sharing those stories and pictures. So beautiful! I had a friend whose son-in-law said Catholics were the only ones he knew who made "action figures" our of their nativity set figures. I see your niece carries on that tradition. Your closing sentence would be three very good things to strive for this year; a heart on fire for God, the faith of childhood, and striving to be a Saint. This is a wonderful post.
awesome post!
awwww... I loved reading this Suzanne! :-)Laura B.
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