"During Holy Week each year, we enter most deeply into the foundation of our Christian faith - the mystery of the death and resurrection of Jesus. As we revisit the events of that final tumultuous week in his life, we are plunged by memory and ritual into the mystery that reveals and defines the meaning of his existence and of our own. His story is our story and what happened to him is the pattern for what is happening and will happen to us." (
taken from Living With Christ) Over the next couple days, I will share video clips to give you glimpses into some of the liturgical events here at the monastery. After Easter, I will add a slide show with photos from those liturgical events. I hope you enjoy them.
Tantum ergo Sacramentum
Veneremur cernui,
Et antiquum documentum
Novo cedat ritui
Praestet fides supplementum
Sensuum defectui
Come adore this wondrous presence
Bow to Christ the source of grace
Here is kept the ancient promise
Of God's earthly dwelling place
Sight is blind before God's glory
Faith alone may see God's face
Presenting the Holy Oils - Sr. Rosemary, Sr. Sharon, Sr. Angela
Cantors - Sr. Molly, Sr. Elizabeth, Sr. Susan
Mandatum - Sr. Anne, Sr. Mary Margaret, Sr. Micaela, Fr. Meinrad
Procession to place of reposition
1 comment:
Thanks you so much for the little videos. I will look forward to the others you will be posting and to the post-Easter slide show. From my limited experience, I know the Mount does liturgy well, with beauty and reverence! May God shower abundant Easter blessings on you and your community during these holy days and during the Easter season. Blessings and prayers from Texas! Barbara
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