All day today I have been thinking about my godson Jake. 9 years ago today I got a call from my sister telling me she was going into labor and inviting me to be there for the birth. I arrived at the hospital only to discover my wait was going to be longer than planned - Jake had his own plan of when and how he was going to come into this world (Things haven't changed much). After many hours of painful contractions, Jake came slipping into this world, into my arms, and into my heart. Being there for Jake's birth was one of the most humbling expereinces of my life as well as one of the greatest gifts. It was a confirmation of how great our God truly is and Jake has been a profound blessing every day since. Below are my wishes not only for Jake but for all my nieces and nephews. May God guide and protect them all their lives.
Welcome to the world little one. Created in love, anticipated with excitement, dreamed of with hope, how we have longed for your coming. The whole world lies before you just waiting for you to experience all it has to offer and to give you the chance to grow into the person God created you to be.
The road ahead is long yet you will not have to travel it alone. You will have many alongside you to guide you, protect you and help you along the way. You have your aunts, uncles and cousins. Each of us, in our own way, will be there as you learn the lessons life has to teach you. Some of those lessons will come easily and some will take time to learn but we will be there with you when you triumph and when you fail. You have your grandparents, on this earth and in heaven. Each one played a part in bringing you here today. They created your parents and helped them to grow into a loving couple that will encircle you with love. They will look after you, pray for you, and guide you as best they can and they will love you without bounds for you are their grandchild. But most importantly you have God who will never leave your side and has such plans for who you one day will become.
As you grow each day may you always remember:
Each day is a gift - live it to the fullest
Never be afraid to try something new - this is where we often find our greates surprises
Find something each day that brings a smile to your face and joy to heart.
Love unconditionally and with all your heart - sometimes it may be broken or bruised but it is worth the risk.
Treat each person you meet with kindness, dignity and respect.
Learn something new each day.
Play with reckless abandon and work with fierce determination
Give more than you recieve
Pray each day for what you need.
Pray each day in gratitude for what you have been given.
Be generous with your gifts and talents - you were given them to share with others.
Believe in your dreams - you can do great things
Know we all fall sometimes - have the courage to pick yourself up and brush yourself off, try again and ask for help along the way when you need it.
Let faith and hope be your constant companions.
The world is an amazing place - look around and notice each little thing God has created.
Know some of the greatest things in life can never be seen but must be felt with the heart - love, faith, forgiveness, wonder, awe, and passion.
Listen and speak, lead and follow, teach and learn, pray and work, dance and be still.
Read something each day - for pleasure, for learning, for spiritual growth
But most importantly - never forget that I love you unconditionally and that I will always be here for you.
Welcome to the world little one - I am so glad that you are here.
What you wrote for Jake is beautiful!!!
Wow - that is beautiful! Thank you for sharing that.
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