At various times in my life, I have to admit, all of these "customs" were a part of my life - sometimes for a short time, sometimes longer. But one habit has curiously remained with me to this day. That is the habit of thanking my guardian angel. In fact, thanking my guardian angel has become such a natural part of my life that I probably say thanks about 20 times a day.
While I am sure my guardian angel has saved me from mortal danger on more than one occasion, I am more grateful for all the "little saves" that I am sure have happened on my behalf because my angel is so diligently looking out for me.
- There are those times I am driving along and slow down for no apparent reason only to have an animal cross the road a short time later or a police officer pull over the car ahead of me for speeding.
- There are the times I changed lanes or take a different route only to witness or hear about an accident where I would have been had I not changed.
- There are the times my alarm fails to go off or I fall asleep and suddenly I wake up for no apparent reason right when I need to.
- There are those times I am feeling down and completely out of the blue, I hear from someone with just the right words of encouragement or love.
- There are those times when I am internally nudged to call someone - only to find they were in need of a friend right at that moment.
- There are times I may trip or stumble, only to catch myself at the last minute and avoid injury.
- There are those times someone suddenly pops into my mind and I add them to prayer, only to learn later they really needed prayers right at that moment.
- There are those ideas or inspirations that suddenly pop into my head from out of the blue when I am trying to design a retreat or class.
- There are those "aha moments" when the problem I am trying to solve becomes clear and I know just how I need to proceed.

So my question becomes, "Have you thanked your guardian angel today?"
1 comment:
Suzanne, good to see that your blog is back. I really identified with this reflection on our guardian angels. I have had many of the same experiences and I know that my angel is on the job to guard and protect me. And I am grateful and do say thanks. I still say the prayer morning and night. I know my angel's name and learned it in a very strange way. I will tell you the story sometime. Bessings and welcome back.
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